Apr 26, 2020
(Part 2 of 2) Fr Michael Sparough, SJ, returns to guide a two part prayer of imagination on the Two Standards by St Ignatius. Together with an original score by Aaron Niequist, we invite you into a fully immersive prayer experience for your heart, mind, imagination, and body. Join us?
Apr 24, 2020
Fr Michael Sparough, SJ, returns to guide a two part prayer of imagination on the Two Standards by St Ignatius. Together with an original score by Aaron Niequist, we invite you into a fully immersive prayer experience for your heart, mind, imagination, and body. Join us? (Part 1 of 2)
Apr 19, 2020
Rich Villodas lives and pastors in Queens, NY. After sharing about life near the center of the pandemic, he guides us in a Lectio Divina experience of Christ’s assuring words: "Take courage, it is I. Don’t be afraid."
Apr 13, 2020
Jonathan Merritt guides us in a practice for contemplative activists in the time of pandemic. He helps us anchor our souls deeply in God, and then open to the ways we can participate in loving action—both during the crisis and beyond. May our doing always flow from our being.
Apr 8, 2020
Dr Cheryl Bridges Johns reflects theologically and practically on the ways Creation simultaneously centers and expands our souls. And she offers a few concrete practices, whether we live in an urban apartment, a suburban subdivision, or in the middle of Yellowstone National Park. The Creation is inviting us...