Jul 31, 2020
Author Shauna Niequist invites us into the earthy and tender prayer “give us our daily bread” during this season of pandemic and uncertainty. Pulling from culinary and theological streams, with her usual wisdom and humor, Shauna names the gift God offers every one of us—and teaches us how to humbly receive it...
Jul 26, 2020
Activist and author Shane Claiborne explores the phrase “May Your Kingdom come.” Through word pictures, humble reflections, and compelling stories from his life, Shane helps us imagine how to participate in God’s dream for the world, on earth as it is in Heaven. A deeply moving, surprising, and practical episode.
Jul 21, 2020
We live in a culture that is coarse, frantic, and frenetic. Pastor and author Sean Palmer explores what it means to consider something holy. Set apart. He helps us receive Jesus’ phrase “Hallowed be Your Name” as less of a religious appeal to an insecure God in need of worship, and more of a pathway to anchor our...
Jul 18, 2020
Episode 2 asked “Is God a dude?” This episode asks “Does God live on a cloud somewhere far away?” And I can’t imagine a better guide to help us explore these questions than Diana Butler Bass. In her words, the first line of The Lord’s Prayer “explodes” many of our concepts of God...inviting us into a...
Jul 15, 2020
As we explore The Lord's Prayer, the brilliant Diana Butler Bass helps us think theologically and historically about Jesus' choice to name God "Our Father". Is God a dude? Or is the invitation to pray "Our Father" something deeper and wider and more beautiful? Pulling from scripture, church history, and the world we...